The Crossroads Sessions

Gain clarity on where you have been and what is now calling you

Deepen into the alchemy of this potent time of transformation, where what once was is no longer, and what is to come begins to rise within you

Receive guidance and support for your next aligned steps

Do you find yourself at a crossroads?

Has the ‘old you’ simply fallen away? 

Or do you feel stuck, where things just feel like they are ‘not working’ anymore in your life?

You have endured much.

But you know, you sense, that a deep re-birth is coming, a whole new you is waiting to take form… 

Then I invite you to come into counsel in this potent cauldron of change with me… 

the crossroads is a potent alchemical cauldron - one that we cannot force, but always arrives in perfect timing.

the old self, that once was, is gone.
deep transformation awaits, calling you forward...

The Crossroads beckons us into deep stillness, and listening...

These times hold opportunity to listen with our hearts, our inner knowing...
and to open to the deep calls of our soul.

These times of so-called 'crisis', where it feels like nothing is working anymore, are ripe and potent for us to come into counsel, with our soul, and with guides...

...who are here to help us remember at the Crossroads...

Who we came here to be.

Intuitive Astrology Oracle Sessions with Ellie Cleary

Dear one, if you have found yourself in the throes of deep change, and things have felt hard

Imagine if… 
  • You could feel the brightness of a light guiding you forward, giving you faith
  • You could gain peace and closure on the old cycles that are now completing
  • You could feel supported in midwifing the new soul journey that you are being called on
  • You could feel held in the rebirth of your new self…

Crossroads Sessions are a blend of Soul Midwifing and Astrology

In these sessions we weave together your natal astrology, your transits (how the current sky is activating your chart) and my gifts as a Priestess and Human Design Reflector for me to mirror back what is looking to be birthed through you. 

My gifts are in helping you remember who you came here to be and the soul gifts you are now being called to embody.

We will explore where you have been, what soul lessons are now complete(ing), and what you are being called to birth in your life. 

This alchemy is all held in a container of compassion, gentleness and love. 

If you are feeling stuck, ready to step in to a new chapter, and ready to step into more of your power…

I will meet you at the Crossroads.

Client Reviews

"Ellie is a warm and wise woman with an open heart and a deep knowledge of both astrology and the human condition. I found it incredibly easy to open up to her, and I left each of our sessions feeling at once grounded and uplifted. I hope to work with her again soon."
United States
"Thank you! I loved my session with you! It was so nice to have a more in depth eye on my astrology. I’ve tried to interpret my chart many times myself with not so much resonance. I resonated deeply with what you’ve lifted up here, and it feels so much clearer now!"
Brittney van Matre
United States

Included in your Crossroads Session

1hr session with me live on zoom

Recording of our session for you to download and keep as a timeless resource

Time to ground in together and get to the heart of your soul’s intention/inquiry

Guidance around your enquiry based on your natal chart

Guidance based on your current & upcoming transits

Intuitive messages & oracle card pull.

I work with western, tropical astrology & I predominantly work with whole sign houses when analysing your charts. 

Ellie Astrology Oracle Session

Hi, I’m Ellie…

Your Crossroads Guide

Intuitive Astrologer, Priestess and Oracle. 

My mission is to guide you on your journey of rebirth and reclamation of your cosmic gifts, so that you can live a fully awakened, heart-lead life…

…and feel so supported and held in the process. 

I have also been at the Crossroads myself, many times. And I know that it is when we are at turning points – or stuck points – in our lives that our opportunity for transformation, rebirth and empowerment is the most ripe and full of potential. 

There is a magical alchemy in the surrender of the Crossroads, that allows us to truly see and remember…

Who we are, our gifts, and what we came here for on a soul level. 

As a Reflector in Human Design (that’s the 1% who have all open energy centres and are here to serve humanity as a sacred mirror), in 1 on 1 work I mirror back to you your strengths, gifts, and powers that you may not yet have been able to see. 

Through my training in several Astrological lineages and traditions including Shamanic Astrology, AstroLocality & AstroCartography and weaving this knowledge with my Priestess gifts, we deepen together into your soul’s intention or enquiry to source guidance, clarity and grounded wisdom that you can use to take you forward on your path.

I will see you at the Crossroads… 

Let's Connect