Venus Rising Podcast – Episode 005 – Body Wisdom, Healing and Journeys of Transition with Elicia Miller
Join me in this rich conversation with Elicia Miller, founder of Core Emotional Healing as we deepen into topics like what our body is trying to tell us when we get sick and physical symptoms come up, to journeys of transition and how we know when it’s time to leave a place.
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About Elicia
Elicia Miller is the Founder of Core Emotional Healing® and Candida and Inner Child Expert. Elicia has guided hundreds to freedom from Candida, other chronic symptoms, restrictive diets, and emotional chains, but just like any wounded healer, she had to go through her own process first. After a string of abusive relationships (including to herself), multiple addictions, and ongoing physical complaints, she resolved to get free from unwanted symptoms and patterns.
You can connect with Elicia via her website at eliciamiller.com
Get Elicia’s free emotional healing class at https://eliciamiller.com/emotionalcause/
About the Venus Rising Podcast
On Venus Rising, I share personal stories, guest interviews and conversations around all aspects of healing the divine feminine, who is rising so strongly at this time, with Venus – the Goddess of Love – as our guide and initiator.
Join me for more on feminine embodiment, transformation and deep life transitions, personal stories of growth as well as astrology & astro-cartography.
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To our rising…