Venus Rising Podcast – Episode 013 – Feminine Human Design with Korynn Elliott
Join me in this conversation with dear soul-sister Korynn Elliott about Human Design and how we can approach it from a more ‘feminine’ lens with less of the patriarchal influence that it was initially transmitted through, as well as common first reactions to the Human Design system, exploring more feminine archetypes through Human Design, the Pluto return of the Human Design system, and so much more!
Korynn’s Human Design school, the Mind-Body School of Human Design is currently open for enrolment – and you can receive 10% off Tuition when you use code VENUSRISING and you enroll in Levels 1-3 here: thezenfemme.com/school before 22nd September 2024.
You can also access my joint workshop with Korynn on Astro-Cartography & Human Design here!
You can listen here or directly below or via Apple Podcasts here or on Spotify Podcasts here. Please do take a second to follow the show and leave a rating/review! Thank you.
About Korynn Elliott
Korynn is a 2/4 Splenic Projector, RAX of the Vessel of Love—is a practitioner and teacher of Mind-Body Medicine and Human Design. She’s been working with and studying whole-human medicine for 20+ years, and with Human Design systems for over 10 years.
Korynn especially feels called to help heal the Feminine (yin) in relationship to Self, body, earth, each other, and our resources (including money) via her Feminine Human Design™ teachings, her PhD research on altered states of consciousness (without substances), spiritual ecology, movement and embodiment for healing in women, and in her life as a mother and highly-sensitive person.
Her work has been featured on top podcasts, as well as publications such as National Geographic, Psychology Today, and Spirituality & Health. She lives in Hawaii with her partner and daughter.
Connect with Korynn:
You can connect with Korynn via her Instagram, or visit her website.
Join Korynn’s Mind-Body school of Human Design and learn to become a Human Design reader – now enrolling until 22nd September 2024, use code VENUSRISING to get 10% off – find out more here.
Get instant access to my joint class with Korynn on AstroCartography & Human Design here!
About the Venus Rising Podcast
On Venus Rising, I share personal stories, guest interviews and conversations around all aspects of healing the divine feminine, who is rising so strongly at this time, with Venus – the Goddess of Love – as our guide and initiator.
Join me for more on feminine embodiment, transformation and deep life transitions, personal stories of growth as well as astrology & astro-cartography.
You can listen on the player below, or please follow on Apple Podcasts here or on Spotify Podcasts here. Please do take a second to rate and leave a podcast review, and share episodes which resonate with you – this all helps to get the message out!
To our rising…