Venus Rising Episode 2 finding healing from abusive relationships

Venus Rising Podcast – Episode 002 – Finding Freedom & Healing from Abusive Relationships

In this episode of the Venus Rising podcast, I share some of my deeply personal experiences of emotionally abusive relationships, what I learned from my experience of being married to – and breaking free from – being married to someone with narcissistic behaviours, and how we can heal from these deep initiations.

Join me on this episode for a vulnerable conversation on what these situations can show us, and how we can rise from them.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Mid Life Transits Workshop

Why Does He Do That (Free E-book) by Lundy Bancroft

Coaching with Ellie

On Venus Rising, I’ll be sharing personal stories, guest interviews and conversations around all aspects of healing the divine feminine, who is rising so strongly at this time, with Venus – the Goddess of Love – as our guide and initiator.

Join me for more on feminine embodiment, transformation and deep life transitions, personal stories of growth as well as astrology & astro-cartography.

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