Venus Rising Podcast – Episode 015 – Pluto in Aquarius, Starseeds, & the Crisis of Belonging
On this episode of Venus Rising, join me to deepen into the alchemy available of Pluto in Aquarius and how it impacts where we root ourselves on earth and find belonging.
We explore the Pluto in Aquarius mission as relates to Starseeds and how we can work with the shadows of the Aquarius archetype to find deeper homecoming and power within ourselves.
Join me to find out how we can balance the shadows and pitfalls of the Pluto in Aquarius transits to bring more wholeness to ourselves and our lives.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Booking your Astro-Cartography session here
About the Venus Rising Podcast
On Venus Rising, I share personal stories, guest interviews and conversations around all aspects of healing the divine feminine, who is rising so strongly at this time, with Venus – the Goddess of Love – as our guide and initiator.
Join me for more on feminine embodiment, transformation and deep life transitions, personal stories of growth as well as astrology & astro-cartography.
To our rising…